Thursday, April 1, 2010

Has anyone ever died smoking weed? by Monica

NO ONE HAS EVER, OR WILL EVER DIE FROM SMOKING WEED. You may die from something else, WHILE smoking weed. Contrary to popular believe, Marijuana DOES NOT kill brain cells, it DOES NOT destroy organs. THC is the chemical in weed that makes you get the feeling, it has NO negative side effects. Its the only chemical used by the body. Everything else is exhaled. People believe it makes you not think as well, this is simply untrue. People have killed people and killed themselves while high, but this has nothing to do with being high. They would have killed the person or themselves even if they werent high. It does NOT impair the brains ability to do...anything. The people that have killed themselves under the influence of Marijuana, is only because Marijuana makes you feel happy. Many people that commit suicide are depressed, so they smoke weed so they might get happier. Sometimes it helps, and the person rethinks their decision. Sometimes it doesn't...sometimes they dont smoke strong enough, or enough to get "happy enough" not to kill themselves. Marijuana has nothing to do with it. There are ONLY...I MEAN ONLY 2 reasons why Marijuana is outlawed....

1. Just like Moonshine, the United States would not be able to collect taxes on it, for it can be grown virtually anywhere unlike tobacco. Yet there is one company permitted to make moonshine and sell it, they do have to pay taxes on it and they cannot make it more than 50% alcohol.

2. In the early 1900's, Mexicans would come in the united states. Many of them so they could sell their Marijuana easier. This caused violence...fights over sales, robbing sellers, etc. Some guy (I cannot recall his name) didn't like this. So he tried to outlaw it, but he couldn't because it was not "dangerous" enough. The government had nothing against it that would need it to be outlawed. He Started talking about the taxes. The government was listening yet still wasn't very concerned. In the 1930's he started making movies about Marijuana. These movies disgust me. One had a kid in it...He was smoking marijuana. One day he was talking to his mom and his mother saw a joint fall out of his pocket. His mother went to bend down to pick it up, he picked up a knife and stabbed and killed his mother...At the end of the video it was said the only reason he killed his mother is because of the marijuana influenced him. This is ignorant. There are 5-10 movies like this.

You may say...people have died at an early age that are infamous for smoking weed. This is true...but is it ever from smoking weed? no. Most of the time it has to do with alcohol and prescription drug overdose.

To say that Marijuana causes cancers like cigarettes is just plain ignorance. It DOES NOT cause lung cancer. Marijuana smoke does not polute the air...lets give an example. Lets say Marijuana is a big diesel truck, and Tobacco is a small ford. You lock yourself in a garage with the ford running and breath the carbon monoxide, your dead..However, if you do the same with a diesel truck, you would not die.

Marijuana is actually good for you. It cures Glaucoma. It helps with Depression. If you have an eating disorder suck as Anorexia, it will help also, as it makes you a little hungrier. Have trouble sleeping? well It makes you a little sleepy also, but not to a point where you HAVE to sleep. Many people say "oh..well..if your driving a car while under the influence, you will fall asleep and crash" this is simply untrue. You will not fall asleep any easier than you would normally, unless you wanted to. The people that do usually have to sleep really bad anyway. It will not MAKE you go to sleep. It does NOT IN ANY WAY impair your vision, or make it more difficult to drive.

I have friends that say Marijuana saved their lives. One of my friends were going to kill himself. He was very depressed. He was against Marijuana though. I told him to try it before and he said no because he thought it would kill him sooner, but seeing as how he was about to kill himself, he wanted to at least try it before he did. So he did and he got happier and didn't kill himself. He is not depressed anymore.

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