Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm 13 and i was raped and i don't know how to deal with it....

you really just need to relax and there is a trick that may help you. Start telling yourself that you are happy and have a very complete perfect life, even if now that may not be the situation. You are a creator and that is probably something you haven't heard before. Stop thinking depression, stop seeing your doctor, stop asking questions about depression.
Start thinking about being happy and you will create happiness.  Most people have been violated in one way or the other. Concentrate on being a happy, resourceful young woman and forgive the creep who violated you and then say to yourself, " I have the best life possible and everything in life is great."  And believe it or not, this is what will happen.  

If this 13 year old was much older I would have told her to get some weed and moonshine.  Or the bud above this article.

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